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Dollaz and Blossom are enjoying life, deep in love the way every other newlywed couple are. After being caught off guard and escaping a car explosion with their lives, Dollaz is ready to come out of retirement to make the enemy pay. Faced with temptation, will Dollaz be able to once again remain faithful to his new wife or will he cave, in order to get revenge for the attempt on his life?
Flowers had dreamed of finding a man to call all her own. A man with money and would do anything to be with her, but when he failed at taking out her sister’s husband Dollaz, things in her relationship fall apart just as fast as they fell in place. She learns that she may have bitten off more than she could chew with a man whose true colors are revealed. While keeping her distance from her twin sister out of guilt, Flowers finds herself needing her sister more than ever.

Obsessed With The Almighty Dolla 2

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